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T-Rype - A network multiplayer r-type clone in C++/Sfml.

Classic r-type gameplay with charged shots.
Game hosting / joining over a local network.
Scripted levels and bosses.
Dynamically loaded ennemies (DLL).

Zappy - A server/client based AI game in C/C++/Sfml.

Multiple clients/AI connecting to the server.
Sfml and Unity clients to monitor the game.
Team based game involving AIs trying to survive and beat the other teams.

Veeht - A canabalt-like running game made for 3D duo.

Infinite level generator based on speed, height and rythm for platforms / traps
Multi-layered backgrounds and Parallax
Slide and jump to evade traps and ennemies and get on platforms

Super Tranberland - A puzzle platformer game.

Platformer engine built entirely from scratch
Moving blocks, multiple objects, traps
Side-scrolling and horizontal/vertical parallax
Infinite level of background layers

Les Peres-Noel Bleus - A christmas themed catch game.

Serious Game to help collect computers for families
Bonus and Malus, acceleration
Combo based score and time limitation

Molf 3D - A 3D labyrinth using the raycasting technique in C/SDL.

Raycaster similar to the first person shooters of early 90's (Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, etc.)
Three different rendering styles
Animated HUD and wall textures

Fdf - An isometric 3D engine to represent maps coming from text files.

Different colors depending on height
Maps parser
Zoom, movement and change of rendering styles

Minigames - Several mini-games made in a few hours.

Classic old school games like pong, arkanoid and a cat-avoiding game!
Made in ncurse lib (termcaps) or using X11 lib, coded in 4 hours or less for the challenge

Mystical - A ti-basic RPG for the ti83 i made a while ago.

3D Labyrinth
Turn based combat system
Different combat options
(launch spells, direct attack)
World travels and adventure

A tournament creator for

Automatic creation of the tournament table
Self registering of members
Simple tournament creation process
Member profiles and game / platforms options